
MK’s Sourdough Run-olution

I don’t want to brag, but I am responsible for starting a revolution. My revolution isn’t your standard, run-of-the mill revolution; my revolution is full of holes (perhaps created by gluten expanding in the oven).

As a freshman in college and a newly retired swimmer, I needed something to set my competitive energy on. Naturally, I landed on my newest goal: completing my first marathon – the big 26.2 miles! As I started down the path of training, I got lost in the abyss of endless training plans, nutrition, types of exercise, and more. Running became a chore – something I had to check off my daily training routine. I quickly fell out of love with the sport I had been so excited about. After over training, I fractured my foot and ended up in crutches for a month followed by 6 months in a boot. I faced many embarrassing moments taking on a Chicago winter in crutches!

Having extra time due to my immobile legs, I turned to baking as a creative outlet. I found sourdough bread as an exciting challenge. Starting sourdough was initially very daunting. I struggled to enact precise measurements and ensure that every ingredient was added to perfection. However, as I started to make more bread, I started to experiment. I released the need for my bread to be perfect in exchange for fun through experimentation. This resulted in some incredible sourdough bread flavor combinations such as Apple Pie Sourdough and some less than great sourdough combinations such as a very bitter Lemon Poppyseed. Baking this bread allowed me to find the joy and confidence in imperfection and exploration.

As I entered my Junior year of college, my foot was finally recovered and I had the opportunity to study abroad in Florence, Italy (leaving my sourdough starter under the safe care of my father). While abroad, I took advantage of the ease of European travel and ventured to a new country every weekend. Running took on a new entity in my life – it became a tool for exploration. I used running to see sights of different countries that I could never have dreamed of. Similar to how I strayed from using precise measurements in my bread, I stopped looking at my pace or my miles. I allowed my runs to be imperfect so I could focus on exploring. Who is to say I can’t stop for gelato half-way through a run?

One week before the Florence marathon, I caught wind that some other students in my program were participating. Without much thought (or consideration for running a marathon on cobblestone streets), I signed up! After landing in the Florence airport from a weekend trip at 12:00am, I woke up at 6:00am ready to run. As I made some pre-race breakfast of peanut butter on sourdough bread, I felt a hint of my previous running mentality fogging my brain – How could I run a whole marathon when I had no regimented training? However, my sourdough bread (covered in peanut butter) caught my eye. With a growing smile, I started to dance as I headed toward the starting line at the famous Duomo. I ran the whole marathon with a giant smile on my face, happy to be there and grateful for everything running has given me.

What changed? What made me let go of my doubts and frustration? The sight of my bread lying in my hand had filled me with joy. I released myself from the pressure of perfection and reminded myself why I love to run (and bake) – to have fun and explore. I remembered that no matter the outcome of the marathon – even if I walked the whole thing – I had the power to control my own happiness. As long as I was having fun, the race was perfect!

As with any revolution, my Sourdough revolution has taken a life of its own. By selling my bread I want to share a love of exploration and a goal of growth through imperfection. I am grateful for running and bread and the community I have developed who remind me that life, despite having some holes, doesn’t always have to be that serious.

Miles & Dough For Best Buddies

Well what is next of my big goals: running the Chicago Marathon this October of course (2024)! I have the opportunity to run the marathon with Best Buddies.

Best Buddies International is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, inclusive living and family support for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Best Buddies is the world’s largest organization dedicated to ending the social, physical and economic isolation of the 200 million people and families living with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

I love their emphasis on empowering the special abilities of people with IDD by helping them form meaningful friendships with their peers, secure successful jobs, live independently, improve public speaking, self-advocacy and communication skills, and feel valued by society.

With every sourdough baked good purchased, 100% of the profits will go directly to Best Buddies.

If you would like to donate directly (without ordering bread) follow the link to my fundraising page here!

I’m Mary Kate

Welcome to MK’s Sexy Doughs, home of premiere sourdough bread that will certainly titillate your taste buds

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